To enhance public safety, Kapurthala District Magistrate Amit Kumar Panchal has issued directives under Section 163 of the Indian Citizens Security Code-2023, mandating all paying guest (PG) owners to install CCTV cameras on their premises. The cameras must remain operational, with recordings maintained for at least one month.
According to the orders, PG owners are also required to register detailed information about their tenants at the nearest police station or post. The registration must include the owner’s name, address, contact number and photocopy of a government-issued identity proof such as an Aadhaar card.
DC Panchal said that property owners must submit comprehensive details about their tenants, including name and contact number of the tenant, and address of the institution where the tenant is studying or working, along with supporting evidence, permanent residential address, a copy of the tenant’s Aadhaar card or another photo ID issued by any government agency.