Noida Police has implemented a dedicated cadre system for crimes against women in the district. As per the reforms, a DCP-rank officer, along with two ACP-rank officers will be streamlining the investigations into crimes against women.
“While there was an enhanced focus on crimes against women as the Commissionerate system was put in place, there was a need for a specialised cadre system. This will be a unique reform since it will be in the interest of professional policing services, especially when it comes to speedy disposal of justice. This will synthesise crimes pending in several stations for cohesive investigation,” said Vrinda Shukla, DCP, Crimes Against Women.
According to officials, each police station will have a women’s safety desk and a women’s unit which will become the “interface” for cognizance of problems of women and children as they approach the police station.
The unit will comprise of two sub-inspectors, male and female, along with constables, who will investigate all cases. The reforms include that no investigating officer shall be tasked with investigating more than 40 cases a year. The reform has been put in place after considering recommendations by the Bureau of Police Research & Development (BPR&D), an official said.
As per the new scheme, a Family Disputes Redressal Center is also being established at Knowledge Park Police Station to provide professional counselling services in cases of marital disputes. “The police officials will be given training as well to look into several aspects of those crimes. The idea is to ensure that from the filing of FIR until the prosecution, the police should be playing a proactive role,” Shukla said.