NOFAA seeks department’s co-operation for creating fire safety awareness

Keeping in view various incidents of fire outbreak in multi-storey societies in the past, the Federation of Noida Apartment Owners Associations (NOFAA) for high rises on January 23, wrote to the chief fire officer, Gautam Buddha Nagar, seeking co-operation for creating awareness on fire safety.

In the letter, the federation said that it has formed a team comprising its members to create awareness among the residents of Noida. It sought co-operation of the department for conducting fire safety awareness at different locations. Rajiva Singh, President of NOFAA, said that they would address ten issues related to fire safety.

The federation urged the fire service department to conduct fire safety workshops on a regular basis with a pre planned schedule. It also said that groups of residents in every high rise should be given training on fire safety so they can respond to fire incidents immediately. Besides, there should be volunteers in different residential pockets so that they can respond in case of natural calamity or disaster.

A copy of the letter has also been shared with Alok Singh, Commissioner of Police, Noida and Greater Noida and chief executive officer of Noida Industrial Development Authority, Ritu Maheshwari. Singh said that they have also sought time with the chief fire officer for a discussion on holding awareness events at societies.

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