The Gauhati high court has directed the Arunachal Pradesh government to install CCTVs in all police stations across the state. Data from the CCTVs in these police stations will be monitored by a centrally located control room, the Gauhati high court stated.
The Gauhati high court passed this directive to the Arunachal Pradesh government in a suo moto PIL that was registered following the incident of lynching of two rape accused in February 2018.
The two rape accused were lynched by a mob after dragging them out of the Tezu police station in Arunachal Pradesh. “This Court further feels that in view of the nature of allegations… a direction is required to be given for installation of a comprehensive CCTV system in all police stations across the state of Arunachal Pradesh,” the Gauhati high court stated.
Two accused in an alleged rape and murder of a five-year-old girl were beaten to death by a mob in Tezu town of Arunachal Pradesh on February 19, 2018. The two accused – Sanjay Sobor (30) and Jagdish Lohar (25) – were dragged out of the Tezu police station by the mob and then lynched on the streets. Later, the bodies of the two accused were dumped in a market area.
“A mob of nearly 1000 people attacked the police lockup and took away the two accused,” the Arunachal Pradesh police had said then. The duo had allegedly abducted a five-year-old girl on February 12, 2018. Her body was found five days later.
Sobor had reportedly confessed to abducting and raping the child and killing her afterwards with a machete belonging to Lohar. The victim’s naked body and severed head were recovered from a tea garden.