In response to Madhya Pradesh government’s request, the Central Industrial Security Force has considered the proposal and constituted a board of officers for conducting audits of central jails in Madhya Pradesh. It is pertinent to mention here that the CISF has four decades of hands on experience of designing, implementing, reviewing and improving security systems of critical and highly sensitive sectors including atomic energy, space, power, steel, sea-ports, oil and petrochemicals, mines, airports, government and heritage buildings, Delhi Metro Rail etc.
After an amendment in the year 1999, which enlarged the charter of CISF to include-providing technical consultancy services relating to security of any government-private sector establishments, the elite consultancy wing of CISF has so far provided consultancy in security and fire to 134 installations in myriad sectors including government, semi-government and private establishments. The CISF consultancy wing provides client oriented holistic and integrated security solutions with amalgamation of latest technological and physical components of security.
Some of the prestigious clients are TISCO Ltd, Hero Honda Motors, Bangalore Metro, IIT Chennai & Kharagpur, IDBI and ICICI Banks, India Bulls, Thermal Power Projects, Manganese Ore India Ltd, NMDC Integrated Steel Plant, Tata Power, Paithan Dam, LBS National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie, NSG Head Quarters, Allahabad High Court, Tirumala Tirupati Devsthanam, Golf Link Business Park Bangalore, Contros Data Centre Mumbai, British High Commission, Karnataka & AP Assembly, UP & AP Secretariat etc.
CISF has so far earned Rs 6.97 crores revenue by providing security and fire consultancy services to government, private, PSUs establishments.